March 24, 2022
This article started as an investigation of astrological cycles relating to the birth horoscope of the United States in an effort to develop “historical proofs” for the Tibetan (Djwhal Khul, D.K.) Master of the Wisdom’s statement that the USA has a Gemini Sun with Aquarius Rising (Destiny of the Nations by Alice Bailey, pg. 51-52 & 82-83). It evolved into an historical analysis proving the efficacy of Astrology and the the role played by Uranus and Pluto in the psychology of the USA and world events, with implications for the upcoming period between now (Mar. 24, 2022) and 2036. Astrologers conventionally cast the United States Natal chart using the July 4, 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence for the birth date. But this date produces a Natal Sun in the sign Cancer and is in conflict with D.K.’s statement of a Gemini sun, implying that July 4th is not the correct “Birth Date”. However, those with an historical understanding of the period can find better and more esoterically valid dates. This author finds the period of June 7-11, 1776 to be very interesting. Let us look at history and cycles and see if we cannot substantiate DK’s statement. For […]