Part of Fortune Calculation
January 15, 2015iPhemeris, iOS 9 and iCloud
September 17, 2015iPhemeris Astrology App for iPhone was just updated to Version 9.7 and is available now in the iTunes App store. Get the update here: iPhemeris in iTunes App Store

- New – Report listing all points on charts, includes House and Declination.
- New – Settings for toggling things on or off on the astrology chart wheels:
- Toggle display of aspects on the wheel.
- Toggle display of astrological House numbers.
- Toggle display of astrological decanates.
- Toggle display of Mc, Asc, Ic when they are same as the house cusps.
- New – Sky Now Features:
- Sky Now got it’s own independent Orb settings.
- Sky Now chart wheel can be time stepped.
- New – Added 2 more house systems: Alcabitious & Vedic.
- Improved – Chart display has bigger fonts and better spacing.
- Improved – Use a long press de-select all selected charts and select the pressed.
- Fixed – iOS 8 chart sizing issue in landscape.