iOS Progression Defaults
December 23, 2022
iOS Progression Defaults
December 23, 2022
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Searching & Filtering Chart List

The search bar is at the top of the list of Charts in all versions of iPhemeris. Any text typed into this bar (regardless of upper or lower case) will cause the list to be filtered to show only items in your database with that text in either of the following fields:

  • Name
  • Category

If there was an item in your database with:

  • George Patton in the NAME field.
  • WW2 in the category field.

You could find it by entering either patton or ww2 into the search bar.

The category field is a good way to group charts and find all items labeled with one of your categories. You can add as many categories to a Chart as you like. Separate them by a space or comma.

For example you could categorize:

  • George Patton’s chart with: ww2 general
  • Dwight Eisenhower’s chart with: ww2 general president

Entering president in the search bar will show Eisenhower’s chart, but not Patton’s.



Use the ‘/’ (forward slash) character to create more sophisticated searches:

  • Text entered to the left of the / character will be restricted to being in the NAME field.
  • Text to the right of the / will be searched for only in the CATEGORIES field.
  • Words to the right of the / and which are separated by a space will be combined using AND to enable searching for a combination of categories.


  • To find all items your database with Patton in the NAME field and WW2 in the Categories field enter: Patton / ww2.
  • To find all horoscopes in your database where the Categories had Actor AND German, enter:  / actor german.