Progression Types & Settings Explained
August 22, 2015
iOS Sky Now Settings
August 22, 2015
Progression Types & Settings Explained
August 22, 2015
iOS Sky Now Settings
August 22, 2015
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iOS Orb Settings

Orbs can be individually set for each of the 4 Features that use them:

  • Charts
  • Sky Now
  • The Aspect Calendar
  • The Transit Calendar


  1. Scroll down to the Orbs section in iPhemeris Settings.
  2. Tap the row of the feature you want to set orbs for.
  3. Charts and Sky Now have independent settings for Applying (A) and Separating (S), calendars use a single orb.
  4. Once in the features Orb settings view, tap the Edit button (upper right) and then tap the row for the aspect you want to change orbs for.
  5. Fractional values of 1/10th of a degree are supported.
  6. To turn an aspect OFF, set its orbs to “–“. You can disable only the Applying or Separating side, if you wish.