August 22, 2015Symbols & Calculations Preferences
August 22, 2015Before contacting support, please make a thorough review of the documentation. Many questions are already answered here. When contacting support:
- Send email via the iPhemeris Menu at the top of the Screen: Help –> Email iPhemeris Support. That button automatically includes information about the version of MacOS and iPhemeris you are running and helps us diagnose the issue.
- Please provide as much information as possible about the issue, including:
- The version of MacOS (see the Apple About menu).
- The version of iPhemeris (see the iPhemeris About Menu).
- When asking a question about charts, include:
- Date, time, place and type of horoscope you are asking about (it’s best to send a screen shot of the chart).
- The exact nature of the issue you are encountering.
- If you are getting a chart with an unfamiliar Ascendant/Mc, please review the help documentation on time zones. Wrong time zones are the most frequent cause of issues with Mc and Ascendants.
- Screen shots illustrating the issue are always helpful.
Posting negative reviews is not the best or fastest way to get our attention. It can take us weeks to notice. We are very responsive to email and often respond within hours, and will do our utmost to get things sorted ASAP!
To get support, use the option to email us from the iPhemeris Help Menu or at: iPhemeris Support