August 22, 2015Planets & Points
August 22, 2015iCloud
If you use iCloud to store Charts, data is automatically backed up and shared with iPhemeris on other devices. In this case, this topic is not relevant. Note: When using iCloud, iPhemeris can be safely deleted from a device and re-installed without any Chart loss.
Manually Backing Up & Moving Chart Data
Chart data can be manually backed up and also moved between iOS devices. Please be careful when doing this so as to not render the Chart database unusable. This is only possible when iPhemeris is NOT storing Charts in iCloud.
Backup And Move Guidelines
Follow these instructions to prevent damage to the iPhemeris chart database:
- It is OK to move data between devices running the same version of iPhemeris.
- It is OK to move data from a device running an older version (lower version number) of iPhemeris to a device running a newer version (higher version number) of iPhemeris. Eg. From 8.6 to 9.0.
- Never move data from a newer version of iPhemeris to an older version.
- The safest way to Backup is to use iCloud.
- When not using iCloud to Backup Charts, save a copy of the files described in the steps below in a safe place.
- When doing manual Backup, run iPhemeris several times to ensure that it has had an opportunity to update the Chart database. Then make a new backup copy.
Backup And Move Steps
To backup or move data to another device, follow these steps:
- Connect the devices you want to move data between, to a Mac running iTunes.
- Open iTunes and sync both devices.
- Select the device you want to move charts from in iTunes.
- On the main panel where Device Summary is showing, select “Apps”.
- Scroll down to the “File Sharing” section.
- Select iPhemeris in the list and you will see a file called iPhemeris.sqlite on the “iPhemeris Documents” panel.
- Copy that file to your desktop using the Save button.
- Next select the other device you want to move charts to in the sidebar and navigate to the same panel.
- Use the Add button to move the iPhemeris.sqlite file from the desktop to the other device.
- Sync the second device again and it will have all the charts you just moved.
WARNING: This completely replaces the Chart data on the second device with charts from the first.